About Magic Square Innovator E. W. Shineman, Jr.

Ed Shineman is a world authority on magic squares, the puzzling recreation that has fascinated Chinese emperors, Babylonian astrologers, Mayan mathematicians and American founding father, Benjamin Franklin.E.W. Shineman, Jr.

His inventions include both traditional and next generation magic squares as well as magic rectangles and other geometries. He is best known for his commemorative magic diamonds celebrating historic milestones.

Mr. Shineman’s constructs have appeared in The Journal of Recreational Mathematics, Recreational and Educational Computing and in Clifford A. Pickover’s The Zen of Magic Squares, Circles, and Stars. His magic diamond methodology is protected by the U.S. Copyright Office.

Now approaching his 94th birthday, Mr. Shineman is retired from a career as a Fortune 500 officer and director. In recent years he has also served as a director for a number of emergent concerns in banking, the biosciences, investment management and adult residential living.

Mr. Shineman currently serves as President of the Cornell class of 1937, and together with his late wife, Doris, has been honored by the university as a Lifetime Benefactor. He has been intrigued by magic squares since he was twelve years old.


Ed and Doris
Ed and his wife and inspiration, Doris Shineman

Much more about Ed and Doris

Ed's 90th Birthday Celebration

Ed's 70th Cornell Reunion

Shineman Family Movies 1939-1961

Shineman cops Bill Vanneman
Outstanding Class Leader Award

Award Program Biography



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